Online store coming soon!!!
Online store coming soon!!!
I am an artistic, free spirited, unconventional nonconformist. My dry sense of humor leaves many people wondering what I actually mean when I make one of my frequent wisecracks. I am often inappropriate, and never underestimate the value of doing or saying the unexpected (which may or may not be a load of bull).
So, what do I like to do? I like making things and collecting supplies with which to make things. I call my supply of trash, dead bugs, bones and other treasures as Creative Resources for Artistic Pursuits (C.R.A.P.)
Other interests: travel, eating at unique restaurants, hiking, camping, writing. silversmithing, lapidary arts and spending time with my husband, John. I also enjoy my second home: The Arlington Gem and Mineral Club -
I am also a registered nurse, and work to facilitate my addictions: making art and Amazon
I'll be at Intergem in Dallas, Texas
At Dallas Market Hall
In the Arlington Gem and Mineral Club booth